Sermons on Guest Speakers
This is an area where we have guest speakers holding our church services.
May 26-2024 – Guest Speaker Mike Main
What if you saw Jesus coming toward you over the horizon? What would stir in you as you watched Him come? Would you stay and watch? What kind of greeting would you expect? We’ll imagine this scene together as we meet to ponder an encounter with Jesus. Looking forward to being together. Portions or highlights from Matthew 24: 26 through Matthew 25: 13
March 24/24 – Teen Challenge Service
During our Sunday morning service on March 24th, we will have some very special guests with us. Come and hear a dynamicc presentation by Teen Challenge Canada, featuring personal testimonies and their stories of finding freedom from addition. ~John 8:32, 36
March 17/24 – Guest Speaker Glenn Erskine
Come and join us with our guest speaker Glenn Erskine and how we have a LOVING GOD. We hope to see you there!
Nov 19-2023 Supporting the Persecuted Church
Today we have a guest speaker, Glenn Erskine and we will include a time to reflect on and pray for the persecuted Church.