When we moved from Phillip street to Truro Heights, our desire has always been to be contributing members of our community. We are encouraged by two more opportunities to do just that:
(1) The Colchester Regional Emergency Management Office (EMO) has made our building one of the Emergency Comfort stations in the community. We may be called upon to open our doors for a part of the day in an even such as Hurricane Fiona to allow people to come and charge devices, go online to check email, use the facilities.
We also were asked and have agreed to be:
(2) an emergency evacuation center for one of the long term care facilities. This means that in the case of a fire, or other event affecting their building, we would be a bit of a Muster Station. The residents would be transported here, and from here they would find safe placements for the residents. We are thankful for these opportunities to reflect Christ’s love to the people around us. Thank you for being a part of it.