Upcoming Sermons

Upcoming Sermons

Sunday Services start at 10:30am – Come join us!

September 22 “Believe: Removing Blocks from Belief” – Pastor Scott Speaking (John 11:38-44) – Sometimes there are some real blockages keeping us from believing.  Some of them make pretty good sense and require us to open our minds to a whole new way of thinking.  Mary tried to explain to Jesus that what He was inviting her toward, was really not a good idea..  Let’s  think through how to handle similar situations.   

September 15 – “Believe: An Action Word“- Pastor Scott Speaking (Various passages of Scripture) – The word “believe” is a verb or action word.  In a biblical sense, the action of the word “believe” is much more than simply an action within our minds – the act of believing.  What we believe will be evident in the visible, noticeable actions of our lives – the acting out of our believing.  Today and in the following Sundays we will engage with this very important, foundational word.  In preparation, the next time you are going for a walk or sitting in quiet ask yourself, “What do I believe?  How does what I believe affect my living?”  Then  join us at Truro Alliance as we ponder it together.

September 8 – Brokenness – Pastor Scott Speaking (Luke 7:36-50, 18:9-14) – After we’ve done something wrong, it is one thing to be upset that we got caught, it is quite another to be broken over our own wrongdoing.  David said after coming clean before God after he had done something wrong, “The sacrifice you desire is a broken spirit. You will not reject a broken and repentant heart, O God.”  Though painful and humbling, brokenness is the path to oneness with God and fulfilling relationships with others.  It is not a path toward death, it is a path toward life.  Let’s chat about it on Sunday and travel that path humbly together.

September 1 – “Calculated” – Pastor Scott Speaking (Colossians 1:9-10) – A few leaves are already starting to turn color.  As fall approaches, let’s be very calculated in what we put into our schedules.  We don’t want them empty.  We don’t want them burdensomely overfilled.  I trust we want to include stretching, relaxing, working, learning all in healthy rhythms.  We can’t solve it for you, but we can provide encouragement toward that end and pray together as we choose, in a calculated way to make the most of the time with which God has blessed us.  

August 25 – Pulling Together – Pastor Scott Speaking

August 18 – Guest speaker Mike M.

August 11 – “Be one to lead one, one step closer to Christ.  But, which one?” (Luke 15) – Today also “Martha” an international worker with the Christian and Missionary Alliance will join us. 

August 4 – Guest speaker – Mike M

July 28 – Guest speaker D. Webb

July 21 – Celebrating Gotcha Day (Romans 8:14-18, Jeremiah 29:11) – Sometimes adopted children not only celebrate their birthdays, but also celebrate Gotcha Day – the day they were scooped up into a family.  This Sunday we will hear stories about and read Scripture about spiritual Gotcha Days – the day of being scooped up into God’s family.