Sermons by Scott Penner (Page 5)
Oct 22/23 – Wise People…Trust Wholeheartedly
On the Discovery channel, an experienced underwater diver/photographer was asked what he would do if a great white shark was swimmig right at him. He answered that he must do something counter-intuitive; swim directly at the shark. Everything in the ocean swims away from a shark but if you do not…
Oct 15/23 – Wise People…Use Life Words 2
Words carry incredible power both for good and for evil. Sprinkled again and again throught Porverbs we are given encouragement to use word power for noble purposes. (Proverbs 11:9, 12:18, 15:4, 16:24, 18:4,21:23, 25:18)
Oct 8/23 – Wise People…Use Life Words 1
This is Thanksgiving weekend. Wise people recognize and express gratitude through life words. Giving and receiving life words of gratittude satisfy the sould like a Thanksgiving turkey does the stomach. This morning we’ll have opportuntity to hear and express life words. (Proverbs 18:20-21)
Oct 1/23 – Wise People…Treasure Wisdom
There are often a lot of voices calling for our attention. The voice you listen to determines the trajectory of your day, year, life; and it deeply affects the people around you. Wise people hear the voice of irresponsible living, pleasure, complacency as clearly as anyone else. They also hear and…
Sept 24/23 – Wise People…Start with God
Sermon Series: Wise People Mark Twain said, “The secret of getting ahead is getting started.” Indeed, having a healthy starting point is essential for any journey. This teaching series titled, “Wise People…” is from the poignant pages of the book of Proverbs. In the first…