Mar 29/24 – In Light of Easter GOOD FRIDAY
Good Friday morning service where God sent his one and only son Jesus Christ to carry all of our suffering and sins to Calvary to die and pay for our sins by shedding his blood.
March 24/24 – Teen Challenge Service
During our Sunday morning service on March 24th, we will have some very special guests with us. Come and hear a dynamicc presentation by Teen Challenge Canada, featuring personal testimonies and their stories of finding freedom from addition. ~John 8:32, 36
March 17/24 – Guest Speaker Glenn Erskine
Come and join us with our guest speaker Glenn Erskine and how we have a LOVING GOD. We hope to see you there!
March 10/24 – Holiness in Light of Easter
God is holy. What does that mean and how does it impact my life? If He was not holy, there would be no need for Good Friday or Easter Sunday. Is being in a position of hopelessness a good and healthy place to be? Let’s have a look at the high, hopeless, thus…
March 3/24 Honor in Light of Easter
We all honor something or someone. Can you identify that which you honor most highly? How important is it that we not only say God is number one, but that He actually is? In light of Easter we’ll wrestle with these important questions. (Malachi 1:7-2:16)
Feb 25/24 – Relationships in Light of Easter
We will be preparing ourselves for our journey toward Good Friday and Easter Sunday by looking at Malachi, the last book of the Old Testament – God’s last words to us before sending His Son into this broken world. We’ll begin with a look at relationships, in light…
Feb 18/24 – Wise People… Get Involved
(Proverbs 3:27-29) When the tall stack of beans in a grocery store tumbles down because someone bumped into it, should I get involved? How about a friend getting bullied on the playground? Is it ever fine to just look the other way and walk on by? The teacher (who wrote the collection of Proverbs we’re looking at) thinks that even though there may be risks, wise people…
Feb 11/24 – Wise People…have a plan
This Sunday is a very important Sunday in our journey together as achurch. We are focusing on:
Jan 28/24 – Wise People…are generous
Wise PEOPLE are Generous Generosity is freeing, fun, and facilitates flourishing. No wonder the topic made it into the book of Proverbs. Proverbs 11:24-25
Jan 21/24 – Wise People…control, not kill their anger
Wise People…Control, Not Kill, Their Anger (Proverbs 14:29) The problem isn’t that we are too angry. More often than not, the problem is that we are not angry enough at the right things. Let’s gather together and try to make some ssense of this powerful emotion.