Gillian Yorke

Gillian Yorke

Gillian Yorke began organizing our pastor in 2007. In addition to providing administrative support, Gillian strengthens the impact of our local church through her behind-the-scenes commitment to detail.

Gillian grew up at Truro Alliance Church, attended the Alliance Bible College (then called Canadian Bible College in Regina) and has served our church in a variety of capacities over the years. With a passion for organizing, she finds it a joy to be employed within the giftedness that God planted within her. “What better place could you ever work at, serving with your passions and knowing your energy is going toward the ONE you were created to serve.”

Gillian’s life can be summarized by the following statement: “Blessed – incredibly blessed! My life journey has not always been on the ‘straight and narrow’ but God is faithful and loving. I have an incredible husband who seems to have been custom made for me, and an ever-flowing home of surprises. Between youth ministry and foster kids, you just never know who will be sitting around the supper table on any night. There are new adventures coming through our doors all the time. What more could I ever ask for?”

Board of Elders
CJ Prest
Scott Penner