Faithful Presence: Deeper Life & Mission
April 27th at West End Baptist, 1986 Preston St, Halifax, NS (9:30am-4pm) and it is a FREE EVENT (with Lunch provided if you register below in the link).
This is a GREAT way to build a deeper connection with God in your journey.
This program will provide lots of information to build a deeper life and mission with Him and it also includes a PRAYER WALK (if you would like to participate) looking for lost “treasures” in the streets of Halifax and trying to lead them to Christ.
What an exciting way to grow your relationship with Jesus Christ, learn how to effectively lead others to Him and build the Kingdom of God…come on out to this exciting FREE EVENT! Please click the registration button below as they will also provide a FREE LUNCH:
NOTE: If you have children and would like to attend…please specify onto the registration process. God is good ALL the time…AMEN!!