JESUS Challenge

JESUS Challenge

The following acronym in this challenge is to do a daily bible scripture and take a few minutes to hours within your day to spend dedicated time with Jesus. Start by getting a dedicated book (Dollar store, Amazon or simply a scribbler or Binder with looseleaf pages) and set a time that you will dedicate YOUR time with Jesus. Here is what this study consists of:

J – is for journalling

Take dedicated time to spend writing to Jesus about what is on your heart. For example you can start with “Good morning Jesus! I want to thank you for the wonderful sleep last night and getting me up early this morning to worship and journal with you”. Then you can start simply by writing what is on your heart…thanksgiving praises, upcoming interviews, challenges you are facing, thoughts and prayers for others, etc. There is NO right or wrong way in doing this and it can be short or long depending on your time or needs…JUST DO IT and I can guarantee that it will be a game changer for you if you can consistently do this daily. Many have come to realize that they want to now have this as part of your daily routine.

E – is for experiencing time with Jesus

Put on some worship music during your journalling time OR for sing/play instrument if you like for a dedicated worship time and literally experience His presence with you. Music can be instrumental, worship music, etc and can be found from searching this on the following link and simply experience time with Jesus:

S – is for study scripture

This is the time where you dedicate time reading scripture and select a piece of scripture to try to understand what God is saying to you and to try to memorize this scripture as well. This will help us to also arm ourselves against the enemy when facing challenging situations.

U – is for understanding scripture

This is where you really delve into the scripture and try to understand it by asking the following questions below and including it with your journalling. Start by writing out the scripture verse and then write out the following questions and include your answers to follow:

  1. What does this verse teach you about God?
  2. What does this verse teach you about yourself?
  3. How can you apply this verse to your life?

S – is for speaking out in a closing prayer

This is where you would speak out loud in a closing prayer and recap your time with him in thanksgiving praises and try to include the piece of scripture within your prayer.