1. MTO – “Mom’s Time Out”

Being a Mom is an exciting privilege and adventure. Thankfully you are not alone. Join Mom’s Time Out (just as the title suggests) for encocuragement and community in your treasured role as mom.
You are a HERO to us! Whether you are a soon-to-be mom, first time mom, seventh time mom, adoptive mom, stepmom or any type of mom with newborns to high-school aged kids, you are welcome! Nursing babies are welcome, too!
We want you to leave feeling enriched and supported in your indispensable role of guiding our children to have a positive impact in their worlds.
When & Where:
Meetings happen during the school year at 195 Truro Heights Rd from 7:00-8:30 pm every 5-6 weeks on Monday evenings. Join our Facebook page called Mom’s Time Out (Truro) to get up-to-date information on current events.
2. Ladies Bible Study
This class is for ALL ages of ladies who would like to attend a Ladies Bible Study evening class to be able to fellowship together in a comfortable atmosphere and relax while learning more about Jesus!

LBS evening class starting September 30th, 2024!! If this interests you, please see Manon or email the church at [email protected] to get your name on the list. Click button below to get on the list for registration.
We also have a Facebook Group for the latest events as well